
CorCTF 2023 - Force


Force is a web CTF challenge for corCTF 2023. Needed to look into Graphql for this one, where it’s used but nothing is stored in there.

Force Problem

The webpage for this challenge is just a textbox and submit button. You could use this to crack the flag, but I used mostly the burp suite.

Force Start

The code for this challenge lays it out nicely. We have a flag that is only accessible as a return value. We need a pin between 1 to 100,000. And we have the mercurius library imported, which is a Graphql library. Will probably need some Graphql language functions.

Furthermore, there is also a restriction of only 10 requests every minute. (corCTF challenges are only up 10 minutes, so we could brute force up to 100 requests before that instance is over, if needed.)

Force Web Code

To get this flag, we needed to send a lot of requests in a single request. Mutations are disabled, so we can’t add another resolver. Found several sites for other Graphql libraries for batching, but those didn’t work. Thanks to this site ( ) we can use serial execution.

Force Serial Execute

To do this, I created a python file to print all the possibilities to 10 separate files.

Sending all 100,000 combinations to the server was too much. We needed smaller requests.

Force All Codes

Force Burp

With these 10 groups of queries and request loaded into burp, I ran through each one. Using the search in the response and found the flag.

Force Flag

This was a good challenge. If it was a different Graphql library or if there were more articles online about serial execution, this would have been easier. But, I had fun throwing lots of options at this until discovering this technique.


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