
DUCTF 2023 - Grades


Grades_Grades_Grades is a web CTF challenge for Down Under CTF 2023. Challenge provides a student sign-up page, but flag is only accessible as a more privileged account.

Grades Problem

Grades Default Page

Grades Signup

Web site is straightforward homepage and sign-up page. Nothing useful yet.

Grades Tree Files

In the provided source code there are several files that could be helpful. I primary reviewed the file.

Grades Auth Check

Here, we see 2 references to “is_teacher”. Seems like that is the checked property for access.

Grades Add Options

Grabbing and reviewing the post request from the signup page with Burp Suite, it only adds “stu_num”, “stu_email” and “password” to the account. Adding the “&is_teacher=anything” property manually does add that property to the account.

(Side note: Originally I used &is_teacher=True. It is only a boolean check in the code, anything besides False or NULL should work and make is_teacher True)

Grades Flag

After signing up, the site drops you into your account. With this extra “Grading Tool” page, which contains the flag.

This was a fun web challenge. Wasn’t expecting to just add an additional property and have access. Important to check even the simpler options in ctf challenges.


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